Here are parallelisms to Mosaic / 2d packing style eventough the system is oriented to one direction.
With this technique you are able to purposely emphasize the movement in space and time of an object by its flow or structure in space.
Or work against it with intent. On the one hand there is [...]
This is a very simiar priciple like 2D packing / Mosaic but instead of flat objects I used Boxes Spheres or other stuff.
1.) with planes (here it could be interesting to use written postits or something like that instead of the color information) 2.) with boxes
Variations with Spheres
Side view. Boxes with different heights.
The Cylinders with [...]
The Main concept of 2D Package art or Mosaic art is that clusters of similar pixels gets combined to a flat (here the biggest size goes about a square from 5 x 5 pixels)
For some historical background you may read the History part of my Voxelart/3d Pixel article.
In generell the packing of circles [...]